Julia Figueras
Music Director, WXXI-FM
Genevieve is fantastic! honest, caring, proactive, creative, thoughtful, good contacts, hard working, gets great results, and a wonderful person. She has worked with me for just over five years now, and I couldn’t be more pleased. I give her my 1000% recommendation!
Sharon Isbin
I wanted to take a moment to let you know, what a difference working with you has made in my career. The years with you really upped my profile and exposure, the articles and interviews, the whole Portland experience. I learned from you as we thought through strategies together and your skill in negotiating contracts was a great benefit. Putting together the Howland Chamber Music Circle commission was a real highlight. Maybe one of the most important things was having the opportunity to have a reading of the orchestral piece through the Summit residency. Ikarus Among the Stars wouldn’t have been as successful without it! So just wanted to have a Genevieve appreciation day and take time to let you know how I feel about working with you.
Debra Kaye
Our time together has been immensely positive for me. You have been there for me in so many ways as my career has twisted and turned. Your tireless and unending support of me has been one of the great gifts in my life. I have nothing but respect and admiration for you. Please know that I am more grateful to you than you can imagine for all that you’ve done for me. Our work together has taught me so much and been a game changer in so many ways.
Robert Franz
Thank you for all your work and help in promoting the album. It has been so smooth and easy working with you and I look forward to the future. All the best to you and everyone on your team.
Timothy Fallon